When is Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo?

Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo will be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. Check-in begins at 3:45 p.m. The event begins at 4:00 p.m.

Where will Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo be held?
Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn Cedar Falls (
7213 Nordic Dr, Cedar Falls, IA 50613).

May I bring a guest to Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo?
Yes, you’re welcome to bring up to two guests in addition to yourself and your partner. Please register yourself as the primary guest then add additional guest names and email addresses in the Additional People portion of the registration form found here: 

Will the event be recorded or livestreamed? 
No, the event won’t be recorded or livestreamed.

Is there a cost to attend? 
No, attendance is complimentary for Creative Planning clients and their guests (however, please note that any travel expenses won’t be reimbursed).

What’s the recommended attire?
You’re welcome to wear comfortable clothing. We suggest bringing a sweater or light jacket, as the large venue is difficult to heat/cool to everyone’s comfort.

Where can I park?
Self-parking is complimentary at the Hilton Garden Inn Cedar Falls.

Is there food at Business Services CONNECT25 Waterloo?
Yes, we’ll serve drinks and heavy hors d’oeuvres following the speaker presentations.

What if I need to make a change to my registration?
Please email
[email protected] to change your registration.

When does registration close?
Registration closes on January 29, 2025. 

Where can I direct a question not answered here?
Please email
[email protected] with your specific question for assistance.